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formal letters中文是什么意思

用"formal letters"造句"formal letters"怎么读"formal letters" in a sentence


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  • He sat down and wrote a formal letter to melbury .
  • They are often used in formal letters
  • Further to our telephone conversation of this morning , i am enclosing the formal letter terminating our contract
  • This activity is particularly suitable for higher level business english students , or adult learners who need to write formal letters in english in real life
  • She wrote him formal letters , all on one pattern . she did not attach the smallest importance to them herself , and the countess corrected the mistakes in spelling in the rough copy of them
  • If a complaint is substantiated , the council will issue a formal letter of regret and may consider terminating the participation of the concerned member and its right to further participates in the scheme for a specified period
  • If a complaint is substantiated , the council will issue a formal letter of regret and may consider terminating the participation of the concerned member and its right to further participates in the scheme for a specified period
  • If a complaint is substantiated , the council will issue a formal letter of regret and may consider terminating the participation of the concerned member and its right to further participate in the scheme for a specified period . participation in the scheme
  • If a complaint is substantiated , the council will issue a formal letter of regret and may consider terminating the participation of the concerned member and its right to further participate in the scheme for a specified period . participation in the scheme
  • It was a short , formal letter , signed by the office editor , merely informing him that an anonymous letter which they had received was enclosed , and that he could rest assured the outview s staff never under any circumstances gave consideration to anonymous correspondence
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"formal letters"造句  
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